Inzana Outfitters has some of the best moose habitat in BC.

BC Moose Hunts
BC Moose Hunts
Moose Hunts
BC Moose Hunts

Canadian Moose Hunting in BC

British Columbia is well known as a premiere destination for hunting Canadian Bull Moose. Inzana Outfitters has fantastic moose habitat and offers high quality moose hunts We have excellent infrastructure, great guides and well maintained equipment to get you out in the field for the hunt of a lifetime. Our Bull Moose management system is designed to allow a limited number of hunters into the area each season through a Limited Entry Draw(LEH).  Our clients do not have to draw for permits as we provide guaranteed Bull permits as part of your hunting package. Our moose management system also allows our hunters to harvest any size of Bull Moose; we do not have to count points or brow tines. Paul has a very aggressive wolf control program in the area. We have consistently produced some of the highest catches of wolves in the province year after year. This translates into more moose.

Our largest Bull to date was harvested by Tyler Joy and it scored 190 7/8 in the Boone and Crocket Record Books.  It had a span of 56 inches.

Our Moose Hunting season starts in early September and ends in the beginning of November. We are able to Rifle Hunt all the way through the rut. Calling in a big mature Bull Moose during the mating season is a hunting experience that every outdoorsman dreams of. Because of the long hunting season, we are also able to provide late season hunts. Our 8-wheel-drive Argos allow us to get around even in the snow.

It is common in BC for logging companies to spray herbicides on the new clear cuts to help the replanted spruce and pine trees get a jump on competing vegetation (moose food).  This controversial activity is not allowed in our area. This means that there is excellent moose feed in the regenerated forests and that the moose meat is not contaminated with herbicides.


Rates and Schedule

Fall Mature Bull Moose, 6 Point Bull Elk, Black Bear and Wolf Combo Hunt ($US)
September 10th to November 5th

  • 7 day hunt (8 nights) 2 on 1 $10,145 US
  • 7 day hunt (8 nights) 1 on 1 $11,995 US
  • $2500 trophy fee if you shoot a moose and an elk
  • See Hunting Rates for other Licenses and Fees

This price does not include your licenses and tags. See Hunting Rates for other licenses and species tag fees


BC Moose Hunt
Moose Hunting BC

BC Moose Hunting Photos

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