Paul is well known for his wolf trapping and instructional DVD’s

Winter Trapline Adventures
Winter Trapline Adventures
Wolf Trapping
Trapline Wolverine

Trapline Adventures in BC

Come and enjoy a winter trap-line adventure and learn about the animals, trapping methods and fur handling techniques. Paul is well known for his wolf trapping and wolf snaring instructional DVD’s which you can check out at

Paul enjoys teaching the most up-to-date humane trapping systems available and has had a lot of success with canines, with season catches of over 350 wolves, coyotes and foxes.

Paul has worked for the Ministry of Environment live trapping and radio collaring wolves as well as trapping wolves for research projects. He traps predators for ranchers, and community pastures, and aggressively manages the wolves within his guiding territory.

Included in your trap-line adventure is a wolf or lynx pelt harvested during your trip.  These will be skinned taxidermy ready and can be tanned and hung on the wall or mounted as life-long souvenirs. Paul is a professional trapper and makes part of his living by selling pelts so you are welcome to purchase extra pelts from the trip. Please note that lynx and wolf require CITIES Permits and must be shipped through customs by a broker which are extra costs. All other animals require an export permit and then can be shipped directly to you.

Rates and Schedule

Trapping Adventures ($US)
November 15th to February 28th

  • 3 day hunt (Mon Morning to Wed Afternoon) 2 on 1 $2994 US
  • 5 day hunt (Mon Morning to Fri Afternoon) 2 on 1 $4902 US
  • to add a winter wolf hunt add $1536 US for hauling out baits prior to your hunt
  • See Hunting Rates for other Licenses and Fees

This price does not include your licenses and tags. See Hunting Rates for other licenses and species tag fees


With his vast experience in trapping and in particular wolf conservation and control, Paul Trepus is in high demand for consulting and educational seminars where he can share his expertise with others.

His Wolf Trapping website sells trapping supplies, hardware and educational DVDs with information about wolf and predator control and trapping.

Trapline Wolverine
Winter Trapline Lynx

Winter Trapline Adventure Photos

(click image for larger version)